Commuter Train

Commuter Train (JR 205 Series)

1:700 scale


Scale Model Building

1. A product

2. Removing supports

3. Removing supports

4. Sanding

5. Painting

A: TAMIYA COLOR: XF2 White: 10 + X8 Lemon Yellow: 3 + X14 Sky Blue: 1 

6. Masking

7. Painting

B: TAMIYA COLOR: X11 Chrome Silver 

8. Removing the masking tapes

9. Painting

C: TAMIYA COLOR: XF54 Dark Sea rey

10. Retouching

11. Painting, retouching, weathering and gluing parts

12. Planning of train car formation

13. Weathering and painting

14. Gluing the parts and painting

15. Painting and applying putty

16. Painting

17.  Sanding and painting

18. Painting

19. Painting

20. Painting

21. Gluing the parts and painting. 

D: TAMIYA COLOR: XF56 Metallic Grey

22. Gluing the parts and painting. Finishing  

D: TAMIYA COLOR: XF56 Metallic Grey

1/700 Standard Gauge Railway


$16.99 (2024-07-27)

[WEB] Comutter Train